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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Growing Up....

     Growing up is a hard thing to do. Sometimes it takes quite awhile, sometimes it happens all at once. For me it was a very gradual process....with a big "AHA" moment at the end. So this post today is about my own personal moment, and what I've learned from it.
     I don't happen to have a zillion followers; so I'm pretty sure the few that I have will indulge me in sharing my journey. 
 When you have been part of a couple, and a mother for more than 35 years, you learn to put other's needs in front of your own. Mostly for the greater good of the family as a whole, and it just seems to be what we as women tend to do. But when that situation changes... the kids grow up and leave home, you get divorced, there's an illness; whatever it is that causes the change, you are then forced into that final stage of growing up. It's scary at first, but eventually you find it's not so bad...and you get to like it!

In my Sunset years I am finding a self that I have neglected for a very long time. She has a good attitude:

       She is not afraid to laugh at herself. Everything is not so serious that it overshadows the joy in life. She is finding her sense of style.... getting rid of the "Mom" clothes and the "around the house" outfits that seemed to take over her life. 
       She is enjoying friendships that have been left by the wayside because of busy schedules. Going out to lunch, writing a letter, visiting a neighbor; there's time for that now. Now, has become about what 
                                        SHE wants to do. Such an odd feeling still.


        This new self takes time 
to smell the roses! Ones that she herself planted simply because she loved the color...regardless of whether the deer will eat them or not. She is newly aware of the cycle of life- there is beauty in all things, both the beginnings and the endings.


  And best of all, I suppose, is the feeling of acceptance that comes with growing up. Accepting oneself, with all the flaws and imperfections that come from living a full life.
   Of course, there is always much work to do; but now I don't wait for others to do it. And there are are bills to pay; but now I am the one who pays them. There is a quiet peacefulness in relying only on yourself and God. Now, it is a blessing and not a necessity, when friends stop by to visit or help with a project. I am blessed with many, many good people in my life who love and support both me and my work.... 
   For all of those, please consider this my way of publicly thanking you for being in my life!

P.S. The next post you see will also have a new 'grown up' look...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Shop Small...

Shop Small... I like the idea of that. I like the promotions I see for Small Business Saturday in November. But it got me thinking; "Do I, as a small business owner, also shop small when I order things for my store?" For the most part, I'm afraid the answer has been "no", until now!

On a recent trip to Seattle I came across a wonderful soap company called Estrella. They make the most beautiful soaps, completely handmade in small batches, all natural, with the most delightful scents....right here in Seattle! NOT KIDDING that these scents will make your mouth water: Almond cocoa vanilla, Citrus lemongrass, Rose geranium, Vanilla orange lavender- and the list goes on! It helps that they are also the nicest people to deal with, and very helpful about what their customers like.We followed their advice and were Not disappointed when our order arrived!

And so began our quest to find other ways to  
          'shop small' for our little store! 


 Our next discovery were these beautiful handmade cards by Karen Fabiano. Another local gal who works in the greater Seattle area. All of her cards are printed on recycled paper that looks & feels like linen. I love the designs, and because I chose the blank ones, you can provide the sentiment! (we know how sentimental you all are...)

 I am also partial to the Market Bags that a good friend of mine makes! I'm trying to get Debbie P. to make a whole slew of these beauties and just pack the shelves with them.... These bags are fully lined, made with vintage fabrics, and embellished with some of Deb's handmade leather flowers, vintage jewelry, old belts and whatever else tickles her fancy. Each is one of a kind!
If you get a chance, stop by the store and check out these new lovelies! 
                     We are located at 719 Main St. in Buckley. 
                            ( Inside the Queen's Ransom bldg.)
Be sure to stop back next week as I share more on our 
                              quest to 'shop small' !